

this is my first blog other than the one that was assigned by my education technology professor:). my mom has been blogging for some time, so i'm sure she'll be overjoyed to find that i'm doing the same. i can't guarantee any kind of regular schedule or an abundance of posts, but i'm going to try and post new things in my crazy life along with some interesting things i've found in my studying or browsing. this way you can see my pictures(the one to the right is one i took in wisconsin!), music, websites, interests, etc. if theres anything you would like me to write about, go ahead and ask me!

i am a sophomore at dordt college, (pronounced "dort" not "dork"...;)... i am studying to become a high school science teacher, which you can read more about at the assigned blog i mentioned above:). this semester i am taking: perspectives on origins(bio 251), calvin's institutes, english 220, education psychology, and education technology. i am also involved in the theater program and this year i was able to get into the concert choir that is touring europe at the end of the year! i can't wait for that and i'm sure i'll have a huge blog post to write when i get back:).

well, for the first thing i want to share, here is a site i went to when i was writing a paper about the media's influence on women's body image. it's the dove campaign for real beauty site, which promotes a healthy body image, especially for young girls. i especially liked the videos, so thats what the link is for, but the rest of the site is very interesting also.

last thing for this post is the link to the ben folds site, since that it what i've been listening to a looooot lately:).

that's all for now!