

well, its new year's, and everyone seemed to be blogging as an early resolution, so i thought i would join in. i know i have been away for quite some time, but thats mostly due to the craziness of life, or at least the craziness i have been feeling. the last part of this past semester was probably one of the most difficult times in my life as stress and commitment goes. i have certainly had other trying situations in my life, but it seems like a lot of things were piled up at once, and i was at a time in my life where i seemed to be very aware of the impact of everything that was going on. i would have three to a million things i would worry too much about at one time, but since then i can say with great relief that everything has been resolved. whether academic, social, or otherwise, things have "some way" of working themselves out. i think this is a different kind of new year's resolution, where rather than resolving to do better next year, you can look back at the previous year and see what was resolved, what had a resolution, and be thankful that you were able to make it through everything.

im excited for next year. just from the things that i expect to happen, i hope that it will be a wonderful year. i know that there will be difficulties, and if my college pattern keeps up then next year will be even harder than this year. but i can also look back at this year and see all the wonderful things that i never expected to happen but were such an amazing part of my life this year. so, to whomever reads this(and that may not be many) i hope that you have a wonderful new year. dont throw out this year as something to put behind you, but be grateful for everything that happened. ill see you next year.

thats all for now!